New Jersey, Ohio and Texas Lead the Way on Motorist Safety Legislation

For more information contact: Kim Kleine
(202) 682-4856

USTMA-Supported Legislation Targets Unsafe Used Tires

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 11, 2017 – New Jersey, Ohio and Texas are advancing legislation to protect consumers from the risks of unsafe used tires.

The U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA) is the leading advocate of an effort to reduce the availability of used tires that are worn out, damaged or improperly repaired. USTMA is the national trade association for tire manufacturers that produce tires in the U.S.

“We are very encouraged by recent actions in these three states to advance important motorist safety legislation to reduce the risk posed by unsafe used tires,” said Anne Forristall Luke, USTMA president and CEO.

Ohio – The House Economic Development, Commerce and Labor Committee approved HB 42 on May 9 by a vote of 11-4. The bill, which prohibits the installation of unsafe used tires that are worn out, damaged or improperly repaired, is now eligible for a vote by the full House. A Senate companion bill, SB 68, is awaiting a final hearing in the Senate Local Government, Public Safety and Veterans Affairs Committee.

Texas – The Texas House approved HB 2744, a bill to prohibit the installation of unsafe used tires on May 4 by a 137-6 vote. The bill’s unsafe used tire conditions are identical to the state’s annual vehicle safety inspection program. The bill is scheduled to be heard on May 17 by the Senate Transportation Committee. The Texas Legislature adjourns on May 29.

New Jersey – A 3896 passed the Assembly in November, 72-0.  The Senate Commerce Committee is scheduled to hear the bill and its Senate companion, S 2790, on May 15. The New Jersey bills define unsafe used tires similarly to the Ohio legislation and would prohibit the sale of such tires.

“This is significant progress by our industry to advance consumer safety,” Luke said.  “We want to recognize and thank the bill sponsors for their leadership and hard work to advance these measures, as well as the support we have received from stakeholders in each state.”

In addition to USTMA and its members, Ohio supporters include the Ohio Tire and Auto Association, AAA, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, Ohio Manufacturers Association, Property Casualty Insurance Association of America and the Tire Industry Association (TIA). 

TIA and the New Jersey Gasoline, Convenience Store and Auto Association support that state’s legislation. In Texas, AAA supports the unsafe used tire effort.

In Florida, however, an unsafe used tire effort failed to advance further after passing a Senate Committee, 8-0, in March.


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About U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association: The U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association is the national trade association for tire manufacturers that produce tires in the U.S. For more information visit and follow us on Twitter @USTireAssoc.

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